Saving your bills! With energy bills rising as much as 30%, we need to be savvier with our bills. We need to do anything we can to reduce the cost. There are a couple of ways to save your bills, but we specialise in the most passive one. You know what we are talking about…
Author: Alex Lee
Insulating Your Shed
How to Install Therma-Foil yourself.
There are a couple of different techniques when installing our foil insulation. In this post, we are going to be talking about basic/all-around installation. If you are looking for more information on installing in a specific area of your house, each section such as the loft has a post dedicated to that. To find all…
5 things you didn’t know about underfloor insulation
5 things you didn’t know about underfloor insulation! In this post, I am going to tell you 5 amazing features of underfloor insulation that you may not have known. Putting insulation under your floor has amazing benefits. See the five reasons below to help you decide whether or not underfloor insulation is for you or…